„The Fishing Planet team would like to express deep and sincere gratidute to WPiW.info, particularly Rafal Jelonek, who kindly volunteered to translate our fishing simulator into Polish, thus making a polish localization of the game and helping promote sportfishing ethics among the Polish speaking community. Rafal and the WPiW.info team have demonstrated a highly professional take on the matter and showed thorough, in-depth approach to the texts in question, whether it was translation or proofreading in question. It was a pleasure working with you, guys!;) And thanks again, WPiW.info for making this notable contribution to the localization of Fishing Planet!”

Dmytro Lukash, CEO of Fishing Planet LLC


„Expansive World and Avalanche Studios is pleased to announce that the WPiW.info team translated theHunter and theHunter: Primal games. Translations were timely, professional, with keeping a specialist terminology and hunting language, which is very popular in Poland. Simultaneously we would like to thank Mr. Rafal Jelonek for the great contribution in the translation. Thanks to him the translate of game into Polish became possible.”

Expansive Worlds AB, www.thehunter.com